Megan Magee is Profiled on NextUp!

TrunkSpace: What advice would you give another young aspiring actor/actress who is considering moving away from home to pursue their dream?

Magee: It is a long and winding road and there is not a map. It’s scary. It’s bewildering. It’s frustrating. It seems futile and fruitless. And you won’t always be happy. If you’re anything like me, it’ll be years of work and dozens of auditions before you book your first paying job. So be willing to have that kind of patience and persistence. Find a community and a place to do work consistently even when you’re not booking, and make that your definition of success. If you feel like you’ve “made it” because you are doing scene work with your former classmates once a week in someone’s apartment, than you have. You have made it. As long as you are always crafting, creating, and communicating, you’ve made it. Everything else is the bonus. If you are able to adapt yourself to a mindset along those lines, I believe it will make your journey so much easier. The joy has to be in the work… because you are in control of that. If you leave it up to the people who might hire you to determine your joy, you’re in for a bad time.

Matthew Callahan